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ManMade: Pushing the boundaries of boys dance

Creating access to dance is important, that’s why we started ManMade – one of the only male youth dance platforms in the UK.

  • Year
    2010 - 2024
  • Type
    Youth dance platform

About ManMade

ManMade is an all male youth dance platform that brings together young people from different secondary and primary schools, to push the boundaries of male dance. We are so proud that ManMade offers a stepping stone for young people identifying as male to progress their dance skills.

Our unique approach provides specialist training and a high profile celebration on a professional dance stage.

ManMade was launched back in 2010 and established as an annual fixture in Newbury and, following a successful seven-year run, expanded to Southampton as a second regional platform in 2018.

ManMade is delivered in partnership with a local venue or arts organisation to develop a rich, sustainable offer that has proven to; increase male dance in the area, advocate for dance in education and open doors to unique career development pathways.

To date over 1,400 young males aged 7 – 19 have participated in a ManMade event from 16 schools across the country.

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